Soap Operas are dramas first produced by radio and later television which takes us into the high profile lives of some made for television families.Their love lives and business ventures,social issues and political rivalries.The main audience was female for these soap operas as they were first aired on radio in 1930s,the story line created was more appealing towards women listeners.These shows took the name 'Soap Opera' because the were sponsored by soaps and shampoo making companies like Procter and Gamble ,Lever Brothers,etc.These shows were set in exclusive mansions ,characters were high profile socialists and the story always ends at a cliff-hanger.People go away to far offplaces and come back,patients wake up after years in coma,love triangles and social circles are fun to watch.Sometimes these soap operas remind us of Sheherzad's "tale of 100 nights".These stories have been going on and on for a very long time and some over 30 years.They were all aired during day time,attracting stay home ladies.
It all started in 1930s when the very first soap opera was aired on radio.It was in 1950s that Soap Operas were broadcasted on Television.As the World Turns and General Hospital were the two initial soap operas followed by Guiding Light ,One life to Live ,Young and the Restless and the most recent Bold and the Beautiful which is set up in the fashion district of California.The stories have drama,suspense ,twists and turns .......even the dead become alive after some change of events.
After almost 55 years, now the viewership of soap operas has declined greatly mostly due to the huge popularity of talk shows,evening sitcoms and reality shows.....or maybe due to the new fun box 'You Tube' where u can watch and upload all kind of funny,serious and at times crazy videos.
Now people and mostly ladies are working in and out f the house,they spend the free time in front of the computer rather than the TV.