Thursday, October 11, 2012

Analyzing the movie " English Vinglish"

English Vinglish is a new Indian movie released this month starring Sri Devi. It can be little comical, little sarcastic , at times . After leaving the theatre it gives the audience a strong reason to think about what is right and what is wrong ?
English Vinglish is the story of a mom and a wife who is an excellent cook especially makes very delicious " laddoos" ( Indian dessert) . She takes care of her family but is not properly respected by her husband and daughter because her English speaking skills are quite bad!
She learns English by enrolling in a crash course , while visiting her niece.
It gives her new self confidence . The motto behind it is : if you work hard and if you are determined you can achieve anything and everything.......Yes 100% true but the question what comes in my mind Why do we people who belong to the " Sub - Continent Mentality" give so much respect to those people who can speak English Language, why ? It is good to master another language besides your own : Hindi or Urdu .......but do you think people who can speak English are better human beings than the rest of us ? No there are many people who cannot speak English but are excellent human beings. Look around you most of our grandmothers were not fluent in English they joined the Independence Movement in 1940s , worked hard and raised their children to become extraordinary human beings.
I look at the chauffeur who works 20 hrs a day takes care of not only his but also his brother" s family he is a more decent man than his boss who wears expensive suits , speaks fluent English but is a very corrupt business man.I look at the domestic maid who works all day in people" s houses to support her kids, she is better than the lady who has hired her and who is busy in her fake/ superficial life which revolves around " showing off her wealth".
Just think for a few minutes and analyze....

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