Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Shakespearean Tragedies


Shakespearean tragedies were written in a seven-year period between 1601 and 1608. These include his four major tragedies Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth, along with Antony & Cleopatra and Julius Ceaser . Romeo and Juliet was written before all these . Even after so many years they are appreciated by students of English literature all over the world . People still discuss the phrases and depth in story . Many movies and theatre plays have been made on them . I personally like Macbeth the complex tale of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth who was sort of a villain along with the three witches .
I also like the sad saga of Antony and Cleopatra ; story set along the backdrop of Roman and Egyptian Empires , how they both killed themselves . Shakespeare's tragedies almost all have some evil forces working against them and end with death of the main characters .

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